Re-Bath offers 4 reasons to convert your tub to a shower
George Wiebe and his team at Re-Bath of West Texas are ready to get you that updated bath you’ve been wanting. Call them at 432-848-4300.
George Wiebe and his team at Re-Bath of West Texas are ready to get you that updated bath you’ve been wanting. Call them at 432-848-4300.
There’s a reason that tub-to-shower conversions are the most popular work done by Re-Bath of West Texas these days. Actually, there are at least four reasons, and if you’re thinking of a bath remodel or update this spring, you’ll want to know what they are.
- Safety. A shower is much easier and safer to step in and out of than a tub. A large percentage of all home accidents happen in the bath because of the slick surfaces and obstacles—and a shower removes the biggest obstacle, the edge of the tub. For further safety you can have Re-Bath add grab bars, non-slick floor surfaces, a seat and other measures.
Often, we shower at the end of a busy day, making a tub even more dangerous.
- Cleaning. A shower is much easier to clean than a tub, especially a shower from Re-Bath of West Texas. With a shower there’s no more leaning across the edge of the tub to clean the back wall—you can easily step right up to it. There’s no drain mechanism to clean. And with a Re-Bath shower, there’s no grout to maintain. Even though the wall are just as beautiful and long-lasting as tile, they’re made of an easy-to-clean acrylic that doesn’t wash out, get mildew stains or require special cleaning supplies. You can clean every surface with mild household cleaners.
- Openness. Between showers, pull those shower curtains back and enjoy the beautiful, open feeling of a shower, as opposed to the walled-in feeling you get with a tub. A shower turns your bath into a room of retreat, relaxation and rejuvenation. Whether you shower before or after your busy day, you need a place where you can feel at ease—or where you can meditate and let the ideas flow. Many a great idea has originated in the bathroom.
- It looks awesome. Re-Bath of West Texas has the looks you’re looking form whether it’s natural stone, classic ceramic tile, marble or something else, and they have a wide variety of colors, to help you blend with the rest of your theme and décor.
Because Re-Bath of West Texas’ George Wiebe is a licensed plumber, they’re not limited to spiffing up the arrangement you have now. Want to move the toilet or shower, raise or lower the sink or add an extra shower head? All of this is possible. Even better, they use only employees for all work—there’s no waiting for a third party or questions of a contractor that go unanswered. One call to Re-Bath of West Texas does everything.
Ready to transform your bath into a thing of beauty? Call Re-Bath of West Texas today for a free estimate.
Re-Bath of West Texas is owned and operated by George and Mary Wiebe. Call them at 432-848-4300 or go by their showroom at 6121 SH 191on the Midland side of Odessa. Their website is
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