CDC: Bathroom injuries at tub, shower, and toilet

  • Danger lurks in the bathroom: Slips and falls in the shower and bathtub made up two thirds of the estimated 234,094 nonfatal bathroom injuries in the U.S. in 2008, the CDC estimates.

Danger lurks in the bathroom: Slips and falls in the shower and bathtub made… (Myun Chung / Los Angeles…)

Keeping up with hygiene is a good idea, but watch your step. The bathroom is full of ways to hurt yourself — and a new report estimates that nearly a quarter of a million Americans age 15 or older can back that up.

Bathing and showering appear to be particularly dangerous. Overall, about two-thirds of accidental injuries happen in the bathtub or shower — which makes sense, because each can become slippery. But many injuries involve the toilet: standing up, sitting down, or using it. (Yes, about 9% of the total injuries were from overexertion.)

Overall, mishaps near the bathtub, shower, toilet and sink caused an estimated 234,094 nonfatal injuries in the U.S. in 2008 among people at least 15 years old, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported online Thursday in its weekly Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. And the injury rate rises with age.

Researchers used emergency room data on accidental, nonfatal injuries and some statistical number crunching to reach their conclusions.  Their report is full of statistics (which makes it good bathroom reading, if you have 15 minutes and an Internet connection) on the slips, sprains, contusions, fractures and concussions that can happen in the bathroom.


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