The armomatic bath oil with narcotic effects

The first time I smelled this aromatic delight, it was on the neck of a very handsome man who swore he wasn’t wearing fragrance. It so captivated me that when I eventually found myself with access to his bathroom (several weeks later, and after many dates, I hasten to add), I was able to trace his scent to its source: a bottle of Aromatherapy Associates Deep Relax Bath and Shower Oil.


The affair didn’t last, but my relationship with Deep Relax did. This heavenly blend of sandalwood, vetivert and camomile essential oils was created by Aromatherapy Associates in 1986 to calm and soothe people who find it hard to wind down or switch off. It works for me and there must be many other people for whom the powers of aromatherapy are effective, as it has remained a bestseller for 25 years.


It’s always a pleasure to greet people who use this oil as the aroma lingers on the skin in the most enticing way (neck-sniffing is permitted between Deep Relax fans). And it leaves towels and the bathroom scented like a perfumer’s inner sanctum, with its underlying woody, resinous and herbal tones. It travels well, too, reminding one of home comforts and helping with sleeplessness caused by jet lag. Deep Relax (£37 for 55ml) is addictive, I’ll admit: it’s my preferred nightcap, my tranquilliser of choice, but happily it comes without any of the side-effects of its more toxic counterparts.


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