She Knew I Would | Filthy

Feeling my phone vibrate and looking down to see it was you was surprising. We hadn’t talked in weeks and honestly I was never expecting to hear from you again. But here you were on my phone, so I answered.

“Can you meet me somewhere?” you asked. And that shocked the hell out of me. No hello or how are you just, “Can you meet me somewhere.” Curiosity got the best of me and before I knew it, I agreed.

Two hours later I’m sitting in the car at this hotel that was half way for both of us and you had already texted me to tell me the room number. I am staring at this building thinking about how quickly everything went really bad and you just walked out my life. There it is again that vibration from my phone and again it’s you and text that reads. “You’re late. Hurry up I want to fuck you.”

Now I am really lost just sitting here in the car smiling because your text just turned me on when I know I should be mad because you think it’s just that simple and easy to get me into your bed. I text back, “I’m coming.” You respond with “You will be.”

Every sensible pore in my body is saying drive away. Go home and spend the weekend forgetting what I am about to do. But I don’t. Suddenly, I am out the car, bag in hand and walking toward the entrance and before I can even think the door to the lobby slides open and I’m walking towards the elevator. The door opens and I step in, alone with my thoughts about what you have waiting for me in Room 336.

That was a quick elevator ride and now I am walking towards your room and my heart is beating so fast I feel dizzy and almost like I can’t breathe. I stop, calm myself and try to pull myself together. I don’t want you to know that you have me this way. I stand at the door and take a deep breath and knock once.

The door opens and it’s you standing there. The one I love and have loved and now lost. You smile it’s a quick smile but still a smile. I smile too.

“Come in,” you say.

I only walk in enough to allow you to shut the door and I am aware that we are standing very close. You walk pass and our hands brush.

“You can come in,” you say again.

“I am in,” I respond. I have finally found my voice and my heartbeat has calmed down to just a quite roar.

“You look nice,” I say. And it’s true. Your dress is colorful and short enough to show me your legs. It fits all the special places just right.

“You look cute,” you respond. “I knew you would wear jeans.”

I smile and shrug. “Yeah, some things will never change.”

It’s dark in the room even though it’s still early. You’ve drawn the curtains, turned off all the lights and only the TV is on but turned down really low. We stand there and suddenly I notice the nervousness in your eyes and I can’t look away from you.

“What did your text mean?” I ask.

“It meant what it said.”

“So, you want to fuck me?”

“Yes and other things.”


“What do you mean why? I have always wanted to fuck you.”

“But we never did.”


“And I regret that.”

Silence again. Just standing looking at each other, neither of us rushing to words or emotions. I’m not a fool to let this pass. This chance to have you in my arms. The opportunity to say what I have always wanted to say and do everything I have wanted to do to you is right in front of me and you are offering it to me as if it was meant to be mine.

“No don’t move. Just stand here. You sent for me. You asked me to come here. You said you wanted me. So please don’t pull away from me. I want you feel something.” I reach down and take your hand and place it over my fluttering heart.

“Feel that? You do that to me. You excite me.”

“I never knew that.”

“You never let me show you.”

You’re looking down and smiling with your hand covering my beating heart and I know at this moment that I still love you and what you have called me to this room to do will not happen; not this way.

“I need to leave,” I say and slowly turn away from you.

“Why?” you ask with concern in your voice.

“Because I love you still,” is my answer.

“And,” you reply almost in anger.

“And you only want to fuck. You just want sex and I can’t give you that," I snap back at you angrily.

I am walking towards the door and I reach down to pick up my bag that I had sat on the chair. I turn around to say goodbye and you are standing there.

“Please, I don’t want you to go,” you softly say. It’s almost a whisper.

“I know you already told me that you want to fuck,” I respond just as softly.

“Please stop saying it like that. I didn’t mean it that way,” your irritation is evident in your voice.

“How did you mean it?”

“I want you to be with me.

“Right so we can fuck?”

The anger in your eyes flashes quickly and just as quick vanishes. You look at me defeated. “I know I messed up with you.” I am sorry.”

“I forgive you.”

“You what?”

“I said I forgive.”

And I did. Who was I kidding? I didn’t really want to leave. I wanted to be here.

Gently I place my hands on both sides of your face and pull your gaze up to meet mine.

“Do you want to fuck me or do you want to just be with me?” I had to ask.

“I want to be with you and whatever happens, happens,” you say.

I step back and take off my jacket and kiss you on the cheek.

“I will stay,” I respond.

“Are you hungry?” you ask. “I could go get something.”

“Not really. Let’s just lay down for awhile. Okay?”

You smile slightly. “Okay, that would be nice.”

I sit on the arm of the chair and watch you slip off your shoes. “I am going to change in the bathroom if that’s okay with you,” you ask in a sweet tone.

“Sure, go ahead and get comfortable.”

While you change in the bathroom I slip out of my shoes and sweater and with nothing but my jeans and t-shirt I grab the remote and stretch out on the bed. I’m flipping through channels when I hear the door open and you step into my view.

You really did change. You’re now in a pair of very short shorts and a really tight tee and I know that it is going to be very hard for me to keep my mind on this TV.

“I thought you were going to get comfortable,” you say as you move toward the bed.

“I did.”

“No, you didn’t. You still have on all your clothes.”

“No, I’m good.”

“You don’t have to worry. I’m not going to jump you. Get comfortable,” you say teasingly with a wink.

I stand up and undo my belt. I should be safe I think because I’m wearing boxers. I lay back down in just my boxers and t-shirt and you quickly crawl up next to me. Slowly I extend my arm and you lie down and put your head on my shoulder.

“Can I hold you?” I ask tentatively.

“I was hoping you would.”

I wrap my arm around you and pull you tightly against me. For a minute I don’t think either of us is breathing until you let out a small sigh.

“You smell great,” I say.

“So do you.”

“What would you like to watch?” I ask and hand you the remote.

Your arm is casually tossed across my chest and as you lift it slightly to take the remote, your foreman brushes against my nipple.

“It doesn’t really matter,” you say.

“Okay well leave it on this show I like it.”

We watch TV for awhile in complete silence and I am acutely aware of everything; how soft you feel, how sweet you smell, the slow way you are brushing my arm with your free hand.

Suddenly you sit up and ask me am I ok.

“Yes. Why?”

“You weren’t breathing.”

“Yes I was,” I laugh.

“No you weren’t.”

“Yes I was. Quit it,” I say.

“No really you weren’t,” you say with concern.

I didn’t even realize I had been holding my breath but I can’t tell you that. So to make light of the situation I grab you and roll over on top of you and try to tickle you.

You’re laughing and trying to grab my hands. “Stop!! Really Stop!!”

“No," I say and start to tickle you harder.

“No really stop,” you giggle and that giggle stops me cold. I hadn’t heard you giggle in so long. I am starring at you and without any hesitation, I lean down and kiss you softly on your lips. You kiss back and I feel you relax your hands which you had wrapped around my wrist in an effort to stop me from tickling you.

Our kiss continues and it is the best damn kiss ever. Not urgent or hasty just a slow lazy kiss and I am in heaven. Finally, I pull away but only to find myself placing soft kisses on your neck.

At some point, you have placed your hand at the nape of my neck and I feel your fingers in my hair. I know that I should stop but I can’t. I am literally yelling in my head “Get off her. Stop kissing her.”

You moan against my cheek that you want me and I answer with more kisses.

As hard as it is for me, I finally pull myself away from you. “Let’s go out.”

“What!” you yell. You reach up to pull me back down on you.

I pull away and stand up next to the bed. “Yeah let’s go out.”

“You’re not serious.”

“Yes I am. Right now it would be so easy for us to make love and I don’t want it to be easy.”

“Have you lost your mind? You need to finish what you started. I don’t want to go out.”

I start laughing because you are mad as shit and it is sexy as hell.

“Ok, we don’t have to go out, but I think we should slow down. Okay?”

You reluctantly agree and quickly pull me back down on the bed and resume our original cuddle position. Those kisses have left me virtually on fire and it is taking everything in my being not to strip you naked but I know that this whole thing could blow up in my face. This isn’t just about some quick sex. It’s about getting through to you and making you see that my feelings are real. If I give in to just having sex with you, then I will never have you in my life and I will leave this room just as empty as when I came.

“What are you thinking about?” your question startles me and I jump slightly.


“Liar,” you giggle.

“Stop being nosy.”

“Shut up,” you say and gently kiss my neck.

“I was just thinking that I am so relaxed laying here with you that I could just drift off and take a nap."

“Go ahead,” you say. “I will let you sleep for a little while. I won’t mind.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah that’s fine. I am glad you can relax around me.”

“Okay but I don’t want to hear you bitching if I snore.”

“You better not snore,” you laugh and playfully punch me in the side.

I sit up and grab the extra pillows you threw in the chair and place them behind my head and lay back pulling you on top of me just slightly.

“Oh yeah, I meant to say that this room is nice.”

“Glad you like it.”

I must have dozed off and I wake and you are straddling my hips.

“What are you doing?” I ask as I reach out and trace your thigh with my finger.

“I let you watch TV and I listened to you snore while you slept. I think you owe me now.”

“Oh really.”

“Yes, really.”

I sit up and wrap my arms around you and slowly slide my hands up and down your back. You moan and throw your head back.

“Come here,” I whisper and I pull you tighter against me.

You pull away and place your hands on both sides of my face and just stare at me and I can’t think of any reason to prolong what is about to happen.

“Can I take this off?” I ask as I slide my hands under your t-shirt and touch your bare skin.

“Of course you can.”

I lift your arms up and reach for the hem of your shirt and pull it over your head. Your breasts are absolutely beautiful to me and I gently place your left nipple in my mouth and palm your right breast with my other hand.

You moan again and run your fingers through my hair. I move my mouth to your other breast and suck on your hardening nipple.

I can feel the heat of your desire on my leg and I can no longer wait to taste you. Reluctantly, I pull away and lay you down gently on the bed. I pull back just long enough to slide your panties down and as look up I realize that you have your eyes closed.

“What’s wrong?”

“I am scared you’re going to stop,” you barely whisper.

“No baby I won’t stop this time,” and lean over and kiss you deeply.

In a matter of minutes, I have placed a hundred kisses down the front of your body; on your neck, across your breast, down over your stomach and with each kiss you moan or inhale a quick breath. I know that I am moving way too fast and that I should be savoring this moment but I’m hot for you and the desire to make love to you is slowing losing out to my desire to fuck you.

I continue my trail of kisses and stop just above your pussy and slowly slide my hand down between your legs and into the warm wet feel of your slit.

Suddenly, without warning, your phone rings and you sit up so quickly that your knee hits me in the forehead. “I have to answer that,” you say.

I move away slowly as you slide off the bed and move over to the table where your phone is sitting.

“Hello?” you answer in an irritated voice.

“No, I can’t talk right now. I will call you later.”

Suddenly, I am taken back to all those times you told me the same thing and those calls never came and everything again stopped.


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