Ocean Stone Bath Mat

Tattooed Martha - <a href=Ocean Stone Bath Mat (10)" />

I was inspired to start this project when I saw the DIY river stone bath mat repinned a couple hundred times on my Pinterest feed! My problems with that are that the rocks were polished smooth, making it extremely unsafe when wet, they used hot glue which is not something that will hold up over time, and there was nowhere for excess water to drain off. I decided to eliminate those three issues and put my own spin on it by using ocean stones from our favorite beach. It took me a few trips to get the right amount, but I couldn’t be happier with the final product!


Tattooed Martha - <a href=Ocean Stone Bath Mat (1)" />


Outdoor rubber mat – with holes or spaces for water to drain

Smooth ocean or river stones – make sure they are porous, not slick and polished. The amount will vary on the size of the mat and can be found near rivers, oceans, or your local craft store! ; )

Clear waterproof silicone sealer

Plastic drop cloth or old shower curtain

The mat I picked had a textured pattern on the front so I flipped it over to work on the smooth side.

Tattooed Martha - <a href=Ocean Stone Bath Mat (11)" /> Tattooed Martha - <a href=Ocean Stone Bath Mat (13)" />

Work on a plastic drop cloth or old shower curtain.. the last thing you want to do is glue your fun new bath mat down to your carpet! Now arrange your stones on the mat so you can make sure you have enough and map out how they will all fit. It’s kind of like putting a puzzle together, so have patience! I also placed the largest rocks I had over the holes in the mat. Water will still be able to drain out, but I didn’t want the gap to be visible.

Tattooed Martha - <a href=Ocean Stone Bath Mat (3)" /> Tattooed Martha - <a href=Ocean Stone Bath Mat (4)" />

Once you have them arranged, start on one corner and pick up a stone, squeeze out a dab of the silicone sealer on the back of the stone and place it back down on the mat.

Tattooed Martha - <a href=Ocean Stone Bath Mat (8)" />

Hold for a few seconds and repeat with remaining stones.

Tattooed Martha - <a href=Ocean Stone Bath Mat (9)" />

The sealer says it will set up in 3 hours, but I would wait at least 24 hours before moving and using the mat.

This is a great way to incorporate nature into your bathroom and remember your favorite beach trips!

Tattooed Martha - <a href=Ocean Stone Bath Mat (7)" /> Tattooed Martha - <a href=Ocean Stone Bath Mat (5)" /> Tattooed Martha - <a href=Ocean Stone Bath Mat (10)" />


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