Baby Bath-Time Challenges | What to Expect

Instead of happily splashing in the water, your baby wails whenever it’s time to take the plunge. What gives? Well, there are many possible reasons for your water woes. Your little one may be letting you know (loudly!) that she’s cold. Or she may hate getting her tiny face wet or her hair shampooed. Then there’s the move to the big tub. Some tots have a hard time making the transition. But hang in there. We’ve got a boatload of tips to make your baby bath time a fun time for all.

Fix the freeze. Because babies get cold easily, make sure the room is toasty (75°F to 80°F is ideal). If you’re in the bathroom, you can steam up the room by running the shower before your baby’s bath time. And have everything ready (supplies gathered, tub filled) before you undress your tot.

Get all hands on deck. How to slip your slippery little fish into the tub without startling her? With her head resting on your arm and your palm under her bottom, hold her arm securely with your other hand. Then gently slide your baby into the tub, feet first. Even when she’s able to sit up, keep one hand on her at all times. A sudden dip underwater won’t harm her, but it’ll give her a scare. (Review these baby bath safety tips to keep down the fright factor for both of you.)

Toys, toys, toys. Need we say more? Distraction is a great baby bath time strategy. Rubber Ducky and other floating toys are sure to delight. But there’s no need to go overboard: Various plastic containers are great, too. (To prevent mildew from collecting on those playthings, dry toys between baths in a mesh bag and clean periodically.) If your baby is tiring of her toys, check out these other ways to show her some bath-time fun.

Ease into the big tub. Just because your baby is physically ready (she’s sitting without any support), doesn’t mean she’s emotionally ready to graduate. Take baby steps like these:

  • A few days before you upgrade, put her infant tub in the empty big tub and bathe her as usual.
  • If she seems interested, let your baby play with toys in the tub without water. (For safety reasons, lay a dry towel on the bottom of the tub and always stay by her side.)
  • Consider bathing with your wee one until she’s used to the big tub. (Do remember to keep the baby bath temperature adjusted to her comfort level.)

Don’t make waves. Splashing is a big part of your baby’s bath-time fun. But for many infants, the joy comes from being the splasher, not the splashee. So, as tempting as it is, refrain from splashing back.

Save the shampoo for last. Now that you’re in the big tub, wash your baby’s hair at the end of the bath (when she’s had her fun and is more relaxed). To make rinsing less traumatic, try using a spray hose (if your tub has one) and/or a shampoo visor (sold in baby stores and online).

Delay draining. Ready to head ashore? Wait until your baby is out of the tub before you pull the plug. The sound of water rushing down the drain may frighten her.

Try, try again. Don’t worry if your little one doesn’t take the bait right away. You can always bathe her two or three times a week and give a sponge wash on other days. Be patient, and before you know it, your baby’s bath time will become a treasured part of her day.

Now that you know how to solve your wee one's water woes, check out these must-have bathing products.


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