Anti-Materialism Parenting - No New Toys, Hand Me Downs

I started telling people I was pregnant at about six weeks along, which, I know, is abnormal etiquette to begin with, but so is telling everyone you run into that you’re happy to intercept their baby garbage before it hits Goodwill / the Bermuda Triangle / the actual trash. Because, of course, even the most minimalist baby does need some things — a car seat, for example (New York City hospitals won't let you leave without one, and mine quickly shot down my proposal to take the subway home with a newborn and stitches in my vagina). After I put the word out, I soon got a used car seat — and the used stroller it fit into, and a used crib, and a used breastfeeding pillow, a used high chair, used bottles, hand-me-down baby clothes of all sizes, and yes, even a used breast pump — from kind co-workers, neighbors, friends, family, and my dentist. My son has never worn new clothes, but I promise you he hasn’t noticed.


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