The "Home & Family" Dream Bathroom Makeover Finale
We did it! Our Home & Family Dream Bathroom Makeover is finished and we couldn’t more excited about our beautiful shower including tile from Emser, waterproofed and installed by Schlueter Systems, along with the shower accessories by American Standard, all encased with a shower door courtesy of Wardrobe and Bath and Armando’s Glass.
We get to enjoy the American Standard toilet with easy clean and self-closing seat! And right next to it, our lighting sconces and mirrors, and the vanity set from Lamps Plus!
Who couldn’t love our vanities and sinks from Ronbow? And what about those state of the art LED lighted faucets from Altmans?
That Hy-lite Glass Block Window has added natural light and the comfort of knowing you have your privacy, while relaxing in your elegant stand-alone tub from American Standard! And ooh that Granicrete flooring; it was fit for Princess Diana and now it’s all Cristina’s!
We love our new bathroom and we want to keep it looking beautiful for years to come. That’s why we are taking the Carey Brothers’ advice and using Wet & Forget Shower Disinfectant Cleaner!
“We have not, in all our 30 plus years of being in this business, found a better all-purpose bathroom cleaner than Wet & Forget!
Wet & Forget Shower’s main job is to clean the shower from soap scum and grime, it cleans up light cases of mold and mildew and with regular use helps keep them from returning. For tough jobs they’ll need Wet & Forget Indoor. This all-in-one, spray and wipe formula cleans, deodorizes and disinfects. It’s not just for bathrooms. You can use it in mold and mildew prone areas- laundry rooms, basements and other damp areas. Mold and mildew needs to be addressed for health reasons, not to mention the musty odors. If mold & mildew is unattended too, it can also cause damage to the contaminated surface leading to unnecessary home improvement costs. Wet & Forget is going to keep us healthy and our new bathroom’s walls, ceilings and caulking free from mold and mildew.”
The Dream Bathroom Makeover Finale
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Find Wet & Forget at your Local Retailer, or Order Wet & Forget at Wet & Forget's Online Store.
Check out the Carey Brothers at On The House Media.
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